What are the SEO trends for 2024?

SEO trends for 2024

2024 is more than 4 months away and the last two years have seen SEO change in ways that people didn’t imagine a few years ago. AI will undeniably change how the SEO landscape evolves. If SEO is part of your business, you should read this article well. This article presents SEO trends in 2024 and how you can respond to them. Ignoring these trends can make your SEO efforts not reach the target and may be wasted while you are already spending a lot. 

So what are these trends?

Voice search will probably become more popular

Popularized by Siri and Alexa, voice search is growing in popularity year on year and by the end of this year, it is estimated that half of all Internet search attempts will be in the form of voice search. Thus if your website or blog does not support voice search then it will not be optimal. Visitors will be increasingly spoiled and the absence of a voice search feature can be a problem.

Of course AI, AI, and AI

AI has truly transformed our digital ecosystem and despite all the controversy it has generated, AI-powered tools are becoming more and more dominant and if they are applied to your site, your site will look better than ever. For example, an AI tool that can prevent downtime by analyzing visitor behavior, or an AI tool that can analyze the effectiveness of images to persuade visitors. However, not all site owners can apply these tools and in many cases, the role of a professional SEO firm like Bluetacticdigital is indispensable.

Video content optimization

Video content, just like voice search features, is growing in popularity, and today alone, no less than 80 percent of Internet data traffic is contributed by various video content. Video content that tends to be preferred is short, no more than 5 minutes, and to the point.


Today the majority of people access websites or blogs with their smartphones and of course, just like in previous years, you have to make sure your website or blog can be accessed easily via smartphones. A recent news states that starting this year Google is optimizing indexing that prioritizes access from mobile devices.

Local search

It seems that despite the rapid growth of the Internet, as well as its search traffic, users’ searches will increasingly be limited in nature, in other words, local search will dominate because people now tend to look for products that they can reach quickly and if it is shipped, it will not be expensive. Thus creating sites that are associated with specific local needs can be an opportunity.

Semantic search

This is a kind of search technique with natural material processing algorithms. The goal is a deep understanding of what people are actually aiming for with a particular search or with certain keywords. By understanding what they really mean, you can offer them what they are looking for or the products they are most interested in.

These are the SEO trends for 2024 that you definitely won’t want to ignore if you don’t want your website or blog to fail.

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